Biogaia LogoProbiotics

Summertown Clinic is now stocking ‘BioGaia‘ probiotics which are suitable for babies, children and adults. Probiotics mean ‘for life’ in contrast to antibiotics which means ‘against life’.

Lactobacillus reuteri is a probiotic whose natural habitat is the digestive tract and so is very well adapted to thrive here. It is one of the first bacteria to become naturally established in the normal microbiota of the newborn and is found in breastmilk.

“I have searched for a while to find a good probiotic for neonates, as I think the use of antibiotics for the mother and baby around birth, whilst possibly very beneficial in preventing infection, has a very detrimental effect on the baby’s gut – making them more likely to suffer from colic, and constipation/diarrhoea, and later on with allergies and food intolerances… In many countries (but sadly not the UK), doctors prescribe probiotics with antibiotics to replenish the good bacteria.” – Jo Ruddick

These probiotics have been extensively researched and many benefits have been found, on gut health (including colic, reflux, constipation and diarrhoea) and the immune system. The good bacteria help prevent bad bacteria from colonisation. No clinical safety or tolerance problems have been found in any of the studies.

They are packaged so they can be kept at room temperature (unlike many other probiotics) and contain the recommended daily dose of Lactobacillus reuteri  Protectis, which you can get from;

  • 1 BioGaia ProTectis tablet
  • 5 drops of BioGaia ProTectis drops

The dose is the same in children as adults , as the larger the digestive tract, the greater the colonization. They do not affect any other medications and are considered comparable to yogurt when it comes to safety.

Summertown Clinic is now stocking –

Biogaia Drops

Biogaia Drops

BioGaia ProTectis drops – 5ml bottle – £14.99

Biogaia chewable tablets (lemon flavour)

Biogaia Lemon Flavour Chewable Tablets

BioGaia ProTectis chewable tablets  (lemon flavour) – a pack of 20 costs £9.99


Please ask Joanna Ruddick for further details, or email, or ask in reception if you wish to purchase.

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