Energy Boosting Massage

Thai yoga massage is unlike any other massage that I’ve ever had. Sophia works on certain Thai meridian points and stretches out all the muscles. It really boosts my energy levels and helps me to feel more balanced. Patient: Anonymous Practitioner: Sophia...

Testimonial for Kate Layton

“I attended the clinic with a hamstring problem and left feeling a million times better, as well as with a whole range of exercises and advice to improve my flexibility and posture. Thanks so much Kate!” Patient:  Anonymous (A&E Doctor)...

Abdominal Massage – What’s your gut feeling?

Abdominal or Sacral Massage by Marianne Thrower Have you noticed how young babies seem to experience everything through their bellies?  That first smile – wind?  The far away look when filling their nappy? The way that their tummy tenses when they cry or draw up their...